Best Vs Better

Penrose Stairs - the never ending climb When we try to achieve excellence in anything, we perhaps measure our achievements in terms of the degree of expertise which we have managed to achieve. Many quit when they become good, for them, being good is enough. Those that continue soon become good enough. Eventually many of those too would quit, since to them being good-enough, seems enough. A smaller number continue to grow and evolve, seeking further excellence and they become very good and then they quit. There are few who continue further eventually becoming the best, in their chosen field, and then they too stop evolving any more. But there’s that rare breed of people who just continue without quitting, because they don’t wish to become good, or good enough, or very good and certainly not the very best. They believe in only one thing and that is to be the best of their own-self, without any comparison or scale. They are competing only within and they never quite become the b...