Secret of Five Ws and One H

I am asking my friend Five Ws and One H I believe what sets us homo sapiens apart from the rest of animal species is our sense of curiosity and wonder, besides the physical ones of course. Despite being among the weakest and least suited to survive in terms of physical abilities, it is humans that practically rule the world and dictate, as we sadly see now, the very future and existence of our only home, planet Earth. If we didn’t have a curious mind, we wouldn’t have evolved beyond our basic needs of food, shelter and reproduction, just like other animals. The entire fields of art, science, technology, design, and everything that a modern society takes for granted evolved due to our sense of curiosity and wonder. Ironically, we find that by and large, among the younger generations and children, this very element is either nonexistent or waning rapidly. Very few are curious to the point of being annoying. These outlying children upset the carefully balanced society c...