Stewart M. Green - the Man, Myth and Magic of climbing

Stewart on the summit of South Gateway Rock, Garden of the Gods The American icon, Stewart M. Green is synonymous to the challenging arena of rock climbing for over half a century, especially in and around Colorado, Utah, and anywhere else that has a vertical piece of rock. I doubt if there is any rock climber in the US who doesn’t know this legendary, larger than life individual, or haven’t consulted his climbing guide books. Despite coming from the two polar opposites in climbing; he climbing rocks from sea level to up to around 15000ft, and I climbing ice and snow from 15000ft to up to literally the top of the world. In short where his climbs ended (in altitude) mine began. Yet we became the closest of virtual friends more than a decade back. We have many things in common: we share the same zodiac sign (Aquarius) our birthdays separated by only 9 days. Our names start with the same alphabet. But primarily what bonded us was our shared similar views of climbing, life and the ...