Head or Heart

While growing up, my mother had imparted to me one of my life’s foremost lessons. She had said: son, do listen to your head but always follow your heart. This battle between heart and head is an ongoing engagement that would never end. And life would offer you enough dilemmas and doubts to keep feeding this battle. The question is not who will win, but who out of the two, would you allow to win. Either is ok, it’s totally up to you. You decide. In this adventure called life, I have almost always allowed my heart to win, especially during all those moments that have and continue to define my life. My heart never allowed me to follow a charted path, designed by the society and world at large. Though at times my head would nibble and throw caution upon my path, try to logic that my path was pernicious and full of folly, yet my heart would say keep going. And seldom has my heart been wrong, actually never. Even when I had thought that it was but looking back my life I find...