Alive & Kicking

It has been over 6 months since my last post, and if I'm to believe an unfounded hearsay that to many of my friends and followers and fans (if I still have any) my putting up a post at least once in 6 months is a proof of life. It proves that I'm still alive, and adequately dexterous enough in body and mind. So here I am after 6 months and few days. But hang on, how does this post prove that it is I, who is putting it up. It could be someone else impersonating me or having got hold my blog or directed by me to do so. It's a digital world and anything is possible. Yet, if you must then yes, it's I, here again with nothing in particular wise or otherwise to pronounce. Where am I right now, if you might ponder, then let me give you few clues. I'm rather close to an ongoing major international conflict area where a war is on and it has the entire world divided and unified, depending on which side you see it from. The country that hosts me in itself is a land of beaut...