What is Passion

I was recently interviewed in the USA, where one of the pertinent questions asked was – how do I define passion. My single sentence answer was – passion is something that I do purely for the joy and sake of doing it. And then I elaborated: when I do something without any ulterior or other motive, besides that of just doing it, then I am following my passion. In short, when I climb a mountain I am not doing it for fame, money, success, glory or anything at all, not even to reach the top. There is no other purpose within me other than just climbing the mountain. And this is also an offshoot of what we often term as living in the moment fully and unconditionally, we also call this meditation, we also call this pure love and we can combine all of these to define our passion. But if you ask me, then my answer to what is passion is when I cannot find a reason for doing it yet I do it then I am truly following my passion. If I can define my reason and mo...