Alive & Kicking

 It has been over 6 months since my last post, and if I'm to believe an unfounded hearsay that to many of my friends and followers and fans (if I still have any) my putting up a post at least once in 6 months is a proof of life. It proves that I'm still alive, and adequately dexterous enough in body and mind. So here I am after 6 months and few days. 

But hang on, how does this post prove that it is I, who is putting it up. It could be someone else impersonating me or having got hold my blog or directed by me to do so. It's a digital world and anything is possible. Yet, if you must then yes, it's I, here again with nothing in particular wise or otherwise to pronounce. 

Where am I right now, if you might ponder, then let me give you few clues. I'm rather close to an ongoing major international conflict area where a war is on and it has the entire world divided and unified, depending on which side you see it from. The country that hosts me in itself is a land of beauty, both human and natural. Now you might jump up and utter - hey human and natural are same, I mean human are not artificial, they are not man-made. Then why the distinction! Well, what can I say. 

This country has relatively high mountains, permanent glaciers, abundance of lakes, forests, and a coast line as well. And it used to be an important artery of the Silk Road. That's where currently I am. 

And what am I doing here! What do you think I'm capable of, ever in my life. Climbing, hiking, lazing, puttering around, in short having a jolly good time. And since I'm a new person reborn, for once I'm not seeking the company of the fairer sex. I'm actually actively staying away from them. This news might surprise some of you who know me from the yonder years. But then that's how it is. 

And to be fair, I'm waiting today for tomorrow. Since tomorrow someone is coming to be with me and we will be undertaking an adventure together into an unknown (for the 2 of us) land. And I'm excited at the prospect. 

Well let's pause here for today. So believe if you may, I'm very much alive and still kicking all the society made rules. 

Sayonara mis amigos. 


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