If There is Hope

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though all doors have closed for you
There are those you haven’t knocked yet

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you have strength left for the last step
That you might be just that far away from the top

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though it is dark at your corner
You haven’t seen all the corners yet

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though the world around you has collapsed
There are other worlds waiting for you

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though the world as you know will end one day
You will not be there to see it then

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you lost your race today
You gave it your best

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though there’s no one who loves you in this world
There are those who love you in another world

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you lost your everything
There are others who lost even more

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you may never see your loved one again
That the world is round and you may meet again

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
That hope exists
Till you die

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though the road will end one day
The journey will continue forever

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you will grow old one day
Your heart can grow young each day

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though everything comes to an end
That life will still go on

And for me

If there is hope
It’s in knowing
Though you are not in my life anymore
You still care – enough


  1. so WHEN did you say your poetry book will be published????

  2. And for me

    If there is hope
    It's in knowing
    that we will be together
    someday, somewhere, sometime


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